Call your Contacts Directly

Call your Contacts Directly

You can call your contacts directly from your QuiqNest App


Option A
1. Click on the Contacts.svg Contacts icon located on the toolbar, on left side of your screen.
2. Select a member whom you want to call.
3. Click on Call.svg Call/Phone icon at right side to start a call.

Option B
1. You can call a member in your chat conversation by clicking on the member profile picture.
2. This will open that members detail on the right side of your screen.
3. Click on Call.svg Call/Phone icon at right side to start a call.


Option A
1. Tap on the Contacts.svg Contacts icon located on the bottom of your screen.
2. Select a member whom you want to call.
3. Tap on Call.svg Call/Phone icon to start a call.

Option B
1. You can call a member in your conversation by simply tapping on the member’s profile picture.
2. This will open that member’s details.
3. Tap on Call.svg Call/Phone icon to start a call.

Call your Contacts Directly
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