Invite Client to Conversation

Invite Client to Conversation

There are several ways to add a client to a conversation.

Share Invite link

1. Open the conversation to which you want to invite the client.
2. Click on New+ icon on the top right corner.
3. Click on Invite Client.
4. Click on Copy to copy the URL.
5. Send the copied URL via email or SMS to the client.

1. Open QuiqNest App.
2. Tap on ‘ + ‘ icon on the top right corner.
3. Select Invite Client.
4. Tap on Copy to copy the URL.
5. Send the copied URL via email or SMS to the client.

Send Invitation to join a Conversation

1. Open the conversation to which you want to invite the client.
2. Click on New+ icon on the top right corner.
3. Click on Invite Client.
4. Fill out the clients First Name, Last Name, and Email Address fields.
5. Click on the Invite.
6. Or select Invite via Phone Number instead.
7. Enter the clients First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number then Click on Invite.

1. Open QuiqNest App.
2. Tap on ‘ + ‘ icon on the top right corner.
3. Select Invite Client.
4. Tap on the Send Invitation Arrow_Right__SF_.svg Arrow Icon.
5. To send invitation By Email, fill out the clients First Name, Last Name, and Email Address fields then tap on Invite.
6. Or tap on Import From Contacts to enter the clients information from your Contact list, then tap on Invite.
7. To send invitation via phone tap on the By Phone tab.
8. Enter the clients First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number fields then Click on Invite.
9. Or tap on Import From Contacts to enter the clients information from your Contact list, then tap on Invite.

Use QR Code

Mobile Only:
1. Open QuiqNest App.
2. Tap on ‘ + ‘ icon on the top right corner.
3. Select Invite Client.
4. Tap on View QR Code.
5. Send the copied QR Code via email or SMS to the client.

Invite Client to Conversation
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